I have battled weight issues since I was a child. When I look at my pictures it looks like I started to gain weight somewhere between 1976-1980. Which is interesting because that is when the United States started to gain weight. It was hard growing up obese. I remember being picked on (now its called Bullying) because of my weight everyday at school.
I had become immune to the fact that whatever I tried, would not work. Yet I was still telling my patients to do the same things, even though it never worked for me. I had tried almost everything, weight watchers, the zone, blood type diets, vegetarian, vegan, even the HCG diet with the real shots. I could never make it last.
On January 25, 2019 my blood work showed that I was diabetic with a Hemoglobin A1C of 7.2. I was suffering from daily headaches and severe brain fog (thinking it was just the stress of work). I was incredibly irritable and could not handle the stress of just one more patient in my day. Often times I would walk into work, look at my schedule, and want to just walk right back out of the office. I wanted to quit so bad, but had no where else to turn.
I had a patient who was losing weight, and each month I would ask her, what are you doing? She would just simply say “keto”, and I would just say “oh, ok”. But February 13, 2019 I finally decided, enough is enough. At that point, I did not have the mental capacity to research or read a book so I went to Facebook. I joined a group, and just started to do it with the macros of 5% carbs, 25% protein and 70% fats. It worked! In two weeks, my headaches stopped, brain fog lifted, GERD stopped, IBS normalized, I started to lose weight. My diabetes is reversing! From a HGBA1C of 7.2 —> 5.9. Insulin level of 17 —>7, HOMA-IR from 5.9 —>1.6 and Triglycerides from 150—>60!
I started having small group workshops in July 2019. I have only had 5 workshops but the participants who have come to them have lost combined, over 1000 lbs! Most of them just took the information and ran with it. Only a few have had to reach out to me for follow up. To date, I have personally lost 70 lbs.
I enjoy my foods, I am stronger than I have ever been, I feel great, and I have finally found my passion in healing others with the thousands of hours I have spent researching about health and nutrition. This is not a diet….this is a way of life!