“The journey to well-being takes many turns. But on the Ketogenic path, in a very comprehensive and fact-based approach, Jane Oswari and Dr. Andrew Oswari broke through the myths of a Ketogenic plan while showing us how the processed food industry and even a lack of daily restorative sleep impacts our health greatly!
The Ketogenic course personally changed my life. My purpose in following a Keto food plan was not to lose weight, but to find a plan that supported thyroid disease, Osteoporosis and anxiety and depression. By eating adequate proteins, healthy fats and low carbs, I was able to be satiated, structured, and surprised that I didn’t want processed and destructive fake food.
Most importantly, with Dr. Oswari and Jane’s support, I overcame a fear of food and the guilt associated surrounding a Calories In, Calories Out diet.
Through fascinating slides and short lectures, open questions and group discussions, we shared obstacles and praised successes. In addition to teaching, Jane also “indulged” us with yummy Fat Bombs and delicious recipes.”