We are an over 40 couple, married for 6 years. We have been battling weight before we first met in 2008.
Walt: I ballooned up to 292 lbs and on medications for high blood pressure and cholesterol with me heading towards being pre-diabetic. My knees and back were giving me problems because of how heavy I was. I was going to see Dr Oswari regularly to help with pain and discomfort. I was also on multiple supplements to help keep my blood pressure and cholesterol in check . This wasn’t a long term solution.
Steph: I have always been on the heavier side. After I had my first child at 25, I started having migraines and vertigo. I slow start gaining weight from there. And with my second pregnancy at 38 , I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. And shortly after her birth, I had to have my gallbladder out. The weight just kept coming until I was 215 lbs and pre-diabetic.
In February of 2019, our doctor, Dr Andrew Oswari started talking to us about going on a low carb/high healthy fat diet. In April of that year, it finally started hitting us. We were in trouble. Our clothes were too tight and we were having difficulty being able to play with our 3 year old. So early June, we finally decided it was now or never. After one last hurrah at a friend’s wedding, we started on keto. It was much quicker for Walt, the weight started coming right off in the first month. At the start of 2020, Dr. O started cutting back on his blood pressure and cholesterol medication. By March, Walt was completely off all medication and was no longer pre-diabetic. The energy seemed to be back in his step. In total, Walt has lost over 70Lbs and dropped two clothing sizes. Steph on the overhand seemed to take the long road, but ultimately lost over 40 lbs. Her headaches are almost nonexistent and she is more alert and agile during her daily routine. Steph is down three clothing sizes.
We both have lost over 100 lbs together and attribute that to Dr. O. While there are times when we slip and our bodies now let us know. We still follow the ketogenic lifestyle and are currently unofficially assisting colleagues and friends with education on keto. While we don’t see Dr. O as much anymore, we are grateful for the new lifestyle that he introduced us to